Suggestion #12

vani said...
This suggestion is through my personal experience...... The stickers behind the cabs indicating the phone number to report rash driving or violation of any traffic rule, often do not exist or there would be no response. All the effort in remembering the ph number and the vehicle registration number goes into absolute waste. Even if one gets lucky and somebody responds to the call and acknowledges you for the complaint, you are not sure if it has reached the right person and that right person has instructed / taken action against 'that' particular driver. So, the whole funda of reporting rash driving seems procedural just for the company's sake. I suggest there should be a way of recognizing these cabs and the complaint made should be reported into some authenticated database and thus a legal/right action to be taken. suggestion - 1. Stickers to be made compulsory behind all company/organisation owned vehicles indicating clearly the right phone number where one can expect a response.2. The complaints made to be officially reported into a centralised database. This could be monitored by a legal body.My intention is not to target only the cab drivers as it is not fair to blame only one section of road users.

Thanks and regards,

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