
This is where it all started. I and my wife had some comments and suggestions on how the Bangalore Traffic situation can be improved. With that in mind we created a presentation and presented it to the DCP of Bangalore Traffic. It was really nice to see the interest shown by the officials. Discussing further with them made us confident that by working together, Bangalore can be made a lovely place to live and drive. It was a great feeling that our efforts were taken positively and that some of the suggestions will be implemented in time to come.

Another important point that came out after our discussion with the authorities was the sheer strength of common people like me and you. There is no doubt that with the resources and technology at our disposal we can make a huge difference.

The DCP has agreed to give an ear to all the proposed suggestions and implement the ones which will be feasible, considering the resouces available. Also this forum can be used to convey any concerns one wants to share with the traffic police. Any misdoings from the traffic police can also be reported.

So let us start and help the Bangalore traffic police in improving the traffic situation of our city.


Anonymous said...

I browsed through this blog and found it interesting. I am sure this will allow users to post their concerns and help in the improvement of traffic in Bangalore.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the person who has taken this initiative... I think we as citizens have to join in helping to improve the irritating traffic scenario of bangalore.

So my suggestion ( i saw this in London), some of the cars had stickers behind them saying " As a good citizen of this country, I will not break any traffic rule today".

I think thsi really inspired me while following this car. In my opinion can be very usefull in bangalore..

Anonymous said...

A good article published in "The Hindu", worth the read.

An excerpt from the article:
"The way auto-rickshaws and two-wheelers drive — fast and recklessly — it is surprising that there are no speed limits for such vehicles. The traffic police seems inadequate, with a hesitant approach to control speeding vehicles. "

Anonymous said...

Good Inititive both by blog creator and by DCP traffic police.

I work in Bagmane Teck Park, C V Ramanagar. Every morning I see a traffic jam on the road that leads to BTP( junction that crosses the railway track). I see there is lot of space around the main road, so it would be good to expand the road for better flow of traffic.

Anonymous said...

nice initiative !!!

Anonymous said...

when is Metro finally coming up?

Anonymous said...

Found this, quite interesting:

Anonymous said...

If the authorities are reading this I have one sincere request rather than a suggestion. Please put a traffic signal at junction where traffic goes from 80ft road to 100ft road in indiragar. I am talking of junction where SBI Bank is located ( near the BSNL office). Every morning and evening I see a traffic jam there.

Santhosh Adiga said...

Apart from the obvious waste of time, the chaotic traffic on our roads creates a hazardous noise and air polluted environment, which takes it's toll on the commuters.
I guess some of the steps we can take from our side to lessen this are
a. Honk when it's absolutely necessary and not otherwise.
b. Walk or use a bicycle whenever possible.
c. Car pool, is a good place to see people commuting on your route and car pool with them.
d. Maintain lane discipline.

Authorities can only help when we have done all that we can to get some sanity back into the roads.

Unknown said...


I was wondering if we could start a citizen traffic police (like the citizen journalists that some news channels have) wherein citizens could be trained to intervene and sort out the smaller traffic jams that occur in our neighbourhoods when no cops are around...


Vani said...

I appreciate this initiative. My strong feeling is that if 'Road safety programmes' are made a part of this, it would definitely improve the Bangalore Traffic and most importantly, it would save many precious lives.

Is there a working body which gathers these suggestions and puts them into action?

PB said...

Hello! Very nice initiative. So here is my first suggestion.

Please please make constant lane/road widths. I almost don't find any road that is of constant width for more that 1/2 km. Take the example of the stretch from Okalipuram to Rajajinagar entrance underpass. This is one of the newly constructed roads and I'm surprised at the variation on the width of this road. The auto-lane created exemplifies this. What intrigues me most is the thought that somebody(some engineer) probably "designed" this on paper? Or, don't tell me this whole stretch was not designed but just constructed.

Why is it important? As is very common with us, we like to fill every little space on the road. So wherever there is even a slightly wider stretch, the density increases and very soon the traffic slows down at the next narrower stretch. The same applies for traffic signals which seem to be made wider on purpose. Packing/unpacking takes time - be it travel bags or files on your PC(zip/unzip). So we have a traffic signal with packed vehicles and the moment the signal turns green, you need to unpack. Precious signal time is lost in unpacking. Observe and you will know. Of course, not filling every nook and corner at a signal is another option but a constant road width also enforces this.

So what do you do of any extra space on the road? Please give it to the poor pedestrians. Uneven width footpaths are any day better(in terms of looks at least) than uneven width roads.

FreeBird said...


Agreed, our infrastructure is not the best. Agreed, we have don't have a good public transport. But lets forget these for a while and try to look at why, exactly why, we have such a huge traffic problem? The reason is us! Yes, we "the citizen" are the real culprits.

So, what can be done about it? STRICT ENFORCEMENT. I know that the traffic police lacks man-power. So, this suggestion is to overcome that.


1. Create laws similar to other cities like Mumbai, where after 3 traffic offenses, the license is cancelled. And also create a simple process (like punching or ticking on the license) to mark a traffic offense.

2. Create a squad of 6-8 traffic police (you can choose a more appropriate number). The only job of this squad is to randomly choose a road/junction and enforce all the traffic rules VERY STRICTLY. Each day they would choose a totally different location.

The method that this squad adopts is also very important. The presence of this squad should not be obvious for the offenders. This is tricky. But you could choose to have one constable in the uniform and rest all in plain clothes.

If the above are done, I have full confidence that it would create enough fear in the offenders and we will surely see very good results and quickly too.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Naveen.

Vani said...

This suggestion is through my personal experience...... The stickers behind the cabs indicating the phone number to report rash driving or violation of any traffic rule, often do not exist or there would be no response. All the effort in remembering the ph number and the vehicle registration number goes into absolute waste. Even if one gets lucky and somebody responds to the call and acknowledges you for the complaint, you are not sure if it has reached the right person and that right person has instructed / taken action against 'that' particular driver. So, the whole funda of reporting rash driving seems procedural just for the company's sake.
I suggest there should be a way of recognizing these cabs and the complaint made should be reported into some authenticated database and thus a legal/right action to be taken.

suggestion -
1. Stickers to be made compulsory behind all company/organisation owned vehicles indicating clearly the right phone number where one can expect a response.
2. The complaints made to be officially reported into a centralised database. This could be monitored by a legal body.

My intention is not to target only the cab drivers as it is not fair to blame only one section of road users.

Thanks and regards,

Shravanthi said...

One of the traffic hotspots is the road near funworld. Traffic from cantonment side as well as Nandi Durg road feeds into this tiny road towards mekri circle. If nandi durg road can be made a one way that allows traffic only from fun world towards ulsoor, this may reduce the jam thats created here.

This initiative is the best I have seen so far on the traffic improvement front. Kudos to both of you.

Anonymous said...

There can be numerous ways in which traffic condition in our city can be improved.

Adding new roads and expanding existing roads is the best option, but the way city has developed, I guess there is no place to add new road (expect in new areas) and left with little option to expand them.
Some small but quite effective suggestion could be impose lane discipline in the city. Which is very necessary for smooth commutation.
Car pooling is a good option. Also, using company buses instead of cars help in less traffic and pollution.
There is another way, where we can change the timings of schools and offices. This will help in reducing the traffic during peak hours.
Like, schools can start an hour early and offices at different time.
It will be difficult initially but later of things will come in place.

SM said...

I was going through some of the topics that have been discussed here. I do have a suggestion here. My office is in ITPL and my house is on Arekere Gate. Now a day, it takes me around 2 hours to go back to home. I found that in most of the cases the service lanes are creating problem. People take the service road to go fast. It increases the congestion near the junction and causes unnecessary traffic jam. Also it forces the other vehicles to wait more than expected time. This is the same scenario that you are in a queue and people, who come after you, are entering the queue before you and hence you are not able to access the counter at the expected time. This is totally an administrative issue and can be handled very easily by restricting people not to take the service road. This can be done by putting the barricade at the middle of the service road (or by any other viable option).

My second observation is near the Silk Board junction. This is such a huge road and still we face jam here. This is because the vehicles take left turn from the middle of the road and blocks the other vehicle. On the other hand the vehicles, which intend to go straight block the left lane. To aggravate the condition some BMTC buses are parked on the left lane. The message is very clear here. Keep the left lane clear for left moving vehicles and I’m 100% sure that it will bring down the traffic by 50%.

My third observation is near Bellandur Junction. Again, this is a service road problem. Here right turning vehicles block the left lane. The solution is same as that of point one.

Another traffic congested junction is Belandur Gate. This is a four way junction with heavy traffic. We must have a traffic Signal here.

Overall I think that people like us are responsible for all jams. This happens because of lack of Traffic awareness. Where it is not possible to adopt the Western Country like traffic system immediately, it is quite possible to disseminate the best practice among the public though TV, Radio or any other media.

Anonymous said...

Educate & Enforce.

Half of bangalore's traffic jams can be solved if ppl were little more patient. Lets educate ppl on good driving ethics. Lets educate ppl on basic driving rules.
Lets have a compulsary test(someone already sggested this), that needs to be cleared by everyone, once every 2 yrs(just like polution certificate). This way in atleast 4-6 years public awareness for tarfic rules would increase.

And lastly start imposing fines on defaulters seriously.
So many times I see Cab drivers and auto drivers breaking traffic rules(at traffic signals) and being let off by traffic cop after an animated visual warning. This should stop.Just slap a fine right there and they will never repeat the offence.

Increasing fine may not help.As that will promote bribary. Small amount of fine, if paid 100 times(and believe me short sighted ppl will think that they escaped a rule break by just paying 100 bucks, but when they will see there monthly outflow on rule breaks, they will start thinkin otherwise) will have the desired effect. Smaller amounts of fine will also make traffic cops think twice before accepting even smaller bribes vs being caught.
The idea is not to set ppl on the right track overnight..but gradually...remember humans do not like sudden change.

Anonymous said...

I have one simple question for traffic Police:

Why does the traffic police do not fine the people who are breaking the rules. For eg consider any traffic signal . When the signal goes green people make the road one way and everyone entersn the incoming traffic lane and bypasses the people who are standing in line. I have seen people doing this and passing in fron tof the traffic police man, who doesnt even care to see and stop people from doing this.

I understand that this helps to pass more vehicles from a junction in less time but this is very provoking for people who quietly stand in line to start doing this next time they come to the signal. By allowing this the police is supporting and promoting people to break rules.

Anonymous said...

It will be great if high guard rails can be put along the divider on Outer Ring Road streach from Marathalli to Sarjapur Road Junction. This will stop pedestrians from running across ORR which can create serious safety issues both for drivers & pedestrians.

Anonymous said...

seems to be a great initiative of the traffic police and dedicated citizens.

I have a suggestion.

Create proper dividers on roads connecting to main roads. Several places i have seen that people make these roads as one ways and
this makes the traffic prone to accidents. Dividers may be temporary ones but should be immediately deployed.

Anonymous said...

I have 2 suggestions:

1. BMTC buses should not be allowed to stop where ever they want. I think this has to come from top to bottom. So the correct authorites should be
asked to train ther drivers to stop the buses only on bus stands. If there is already a bus on the stand they should stop behind the bus not parallel to it.

2. Old madras road railway underpass must be broadened.

Anonymous said...

i was on jayamahal road the other day and saw there is lot of scope to widen the road. I have mailed the proposed suggestion on your gmail id.

Anonymous said...

I recently moved to the Sarjapur Outer Ring Road area and was shocked to see the state of traffic at the Bellandur intersection.
Inspite of multiple policemen there, it was utter chaos.

The policemen are not able to control the situation. Cannot blame them. They have to be empowered.
Either build an underpass there (long term solution)
OR add another U turn opposite Salarpuria Softzone. This will reduce the number vehicles waiting for a U turn at the Belandur intersection.

Anonymous said...

Good one in Hyderabad. "Cheated by auto drivers? Call 1074"

HYDERABAD: Commuters can call the helpline '1074' in case auto drivers having digital meters refuse to take them to their destination or demand extra fare.

Responding to a news item published in these columns on Wednesday, transport commissioner Poonam Malakondaiah said action would be taken against auto drivers if they insisted on plying without turning on digital meters. The transport commissioner said after December 31 all the autos without digital meters would be seized.

On the threat of auto unions to go on strike from January 2, 2008 if the minimum fare was not increased to Rs 14, she said their demand was unjustified. She pointed out that in Delhi, the minimum fare was Rs 8.

If any auto driver failed to use digital meter or if the passenger felt that the mechanical meter was tampered with, one should call the toll free number ‘1074’. An erring auto driver would be slapped a fine of Rs 500

Unknown said...

It is a good initiative.
Rather than simply commenting on the worsening traffic situation this type of blog helps to identify the problem and also helps the authorities and public to evolve appropriate counter measures.
Hats off to you

Unknown said...

Hi friends,
after a long gap of time I am visiting this blog.
have you noticed any improvement?
I came to know that traffic Police are now booking cases with BLACK BERRY and at all importent junctions surveillance cameras have been installed to reduce traffic violations.
If you have more information please pass it on.

Deepie said...

It is very common in Bangalore that all the BMTC bus stops are just empty shades. Almost all the buses are stop just before or after and big junctions, which are the foremost reason for all the traffic jams on Bangalore road. Why cannot the traffic police force the bus to stop at dedicated bus stops. This will definitely ease the traffic at junctions.

KRA said...

The road from Hebbal to New Airport is right now just tolerable from the trafic jam point of view. With North Bangalore's prospects for raqpid & huge growth, we need to pay quick attention at all the traffic signals starting from Kodigehalli.

1) Flyover or under-pass at Kodigehalli junction is a must and an immedite requirement.

2) Divert traffic toward Yelahanka town via the Railway over bridge situated within GKVK and continue the out going traffic from Yelahanka town via the present railway level crossing gate. This would decongest the traffic problem at this gate.

3) Take up construction of an underpass or flyover at this junction so the traffic signal is done away with.

4) If diverting traffic via GKVK is difficult due to adamancy of GKVK, we may construct another level crossing one for in coming and the other for outgoing from Yelahanka town / Alla-la-sandra.

5) One should learn from the underpass constructed between Yelahanka Air base and residential quarters situated across the new airport road.

Satyendra K Dwivedi said...

Turn from Outer Ring Road (ORR) to Whitefield (if traveling from silk board) is totally blocked in morning hours. Currently vehicles have to make U turn instead of right turn because of current opening in median. If this opening is shifted few meters before the current opening, it will be easy for big vehicles to move smoothly. currently all big vehicles cover three lanes to make U turn and block complete ring road. BBMP/traffic police can get it fixed very easily.

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Vinay kejriwal said...

The Traffic condition in bangalore is worsening day by day understandably due to the increasing number of cars and the infrastructure unable to cope up with it. There has to be a limit to keep improving the infrstructure like adding flyovers etc which by the time are ready, the traffic increases 4 times. The only way to control this is to control the number of vehicles plying on the Road. This can be achieved in a very simple manner without any investment and pain.

There should be a rule stating that on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays only cars whose ending number is EVEN should be allowed on the roads and on Tue/Thurs/Saturdays only cars whose ending number is ODD should be allowed on the roads.

This will enforce people to do more car pooling and for sure reduce the traffic to a great extent.

DK said...

Simple Small Step (Super - SSS)

Remove the sound horn of all vehicles and see how traffic mentality will change

- sound horn increases stress to the people who are driving
- Stress leads to patience break, provokes brain and leads to funny behaviour in the traffic
- Without sound horn, driver need to wait for the next vehicle/people other go :-)..forcible change of driver mentality :-)


Sanjeev said...

Issue: ~1KM Traffic Jam at K.R.Puram railway station every day

Reason: Large number of people cross the road near railway station
especially when a train arrives. Vehicle movement is slowed down because of this.

Solution: A foot over bridge can be constructed for people crossing the road.
Because of cable bridge the foot over bridge can be taken below the
cable bridge & over car parking area. At car parking area, the height of the foot over bridge can be increased to allow heavy vehicles to pass on outer ring road.
To allow maximum use, the new foot over bridge can be connected to the one already existing in railway station.

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ಕಿರಣ-The Ray said...

I work at Robert Bosch and I do see the number of people/employees (especially ENGINEERS) who take their own vehicles to work place.
So, it is suggestion to all Companies in Bengaluru.
WAIT: It need not be free. Put it as part of CTC and tell who ever opts for the service will get that part, and who ever opts for own vehicles wont.

I am damn sure people will grab anything that seems free.

Anonymous said...

Could you please not switch off traffic lights and start manually handling the traffic junctions? It only increases the jams and leads to long delays. Have to wait at least 3-4 rounds to cross the junction some times. I just know, it is some person that is handling the junction when such a thing happens. And it is true every time!

Chaithram Creators said...

Dear Sir,
I am Swaroop from coimbatore now settled in bangalore i am working as Admin Manager in a MNC company, When i was in coimbatore i worked as Friends of Police, during evening time we group of peoples supported the Police to control traffic in City, They have given us the tranning also for controlling traffic, one humble request here in bangalore also why cant we do such social activites
can any one help me my e mail id
my mob no 9894882872

Vishva bhraman said...

Nice article..

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crazyIndian said...

I honestly appreciate the effort to help better traffic in Bangalore. Here are the suggestions, I am not sure if these were already suggested.
1)Make sure the Address on Driving licenses is latest & accurate
2)Place cameras at every signal to capture the vehicle to fine them automatically,currently it happens in Hyderabad.
3) i have multiple ideas to restrict everyone to follow lanes, this will reduce congestion's at least by 50% , people don't realize that the most of traffic jams are due to people driving without following lane system, like people turning right be on right turning left on left lane.
4) I have ideas to force people to not drive on opposite direction of the road.
5) stop parking on the main roads.As parking on both sides of the road occupy one lane and hence causing most of the road is blocked and two lane road is reduced to one lane.
6)Forcing everyone to follow lane will help ambulance to traverse through traffic as quick as possible.

Unknown said...

Dear Sir / Ma'am
Glad to know Blore traffic police has this suggestion and improvements ideas portal.

Would like to request your assessment and due consideration for setting up of new traffic signal on old madras Road - Bayapanahalli crossing - near vivekananda metro station

This is currently manned by traffic police manually at peak hours
However is truly a nightmare and unnecessary grid lock even at non peak hours and late nights due to T-junction type 3 directional crossing of traffic causing interlocking when not manned by traffic police personal

Would be happy to assist you in any ground level surveys and photographs if required which may prove very helpful to citizens and vehicle smooth movement saving a lot of painful time loss and national fuel resources wastage

Looking forward to your response and request action in the matter

Best regards,

Such said...

Thank you for blocking the entry from Basapura Road into Hosur Road at the Hosa Road junction. That has reduced traffic at junction. However, the opening up of the barricades 100 mts from the junction (in front of the car showroom) is now causing major jams at that point. I believe that this can be easily handled, and request your attention to this. Since the turning from hosur road into service road in front of the showroom is a sharp u-turn, vehicles need a lot of space to make this turn. By ensuring that the entire width of the road is available to vehicles making this turn, it will reduce the traffic pile up significantly. For vehicles going towards Kudlu Gate or Silk Board, they should use the mud road in front of the showroom - this can be achieved by putting barricades 50mts before the showroom and 50mts after the showroom forcing the traffic to the mudroad. The mudroad is wide enough for 1 lane of traffic. If possible, putting tar on just that 100 mts patch of mud road would be very helpful.

Thus will ensure that jams at that u-turn are reduced.

Mukul said...

We have seen in most of the cities that not allowing any heavy vehicles, intercity buses inside the city during day time. All these vehicles should not be allowed inside the city between 07:00Am to 10:00PM.

Water tankers also should be allowed during 11:00AM to 04:00PM which would avoid lot of jams during peak hours.

Subhash Iyer said...

Suggestion: This relates to the long traffic queue from Sarjapura flyover base to Ecospace flyover on the Outer Ring Road. It take 45 minutes or more to cover this distance which in normal times should take about 7 minutes.
It can be seen that traffic is smooth after the Sarjapura flyover up to the HSR BDA flyover. Traffic gets stuck at the base of the Sarjapura flyover and behind it although there is no signal or obstruction here and the road is equally wide. The reason for this as I see, is the broken road at the base of the flyover. All vehicles slow down here because of the hole in the road. Hence, at peak traffic conditions, the slowed down vehicles cause a long queue to build up.
It should take hardly any money to fill the hole in the road. The cost would be less than the cost of fuel burnt every day by vehicles stuck in traffic due to this hole. A small road repair here can save the nation a lot of money and ease traffic considerably and is less than a day's work. The repair is anyway inevitable.
I do hope the matter is studied and suitable action is taken.

Mamatha said...

There should be a rule for all companies/institutions in Bangalore who have more than 500 employees should have a FREE MASS TRANSPORTATION provided to their employees.

Mamatha said...

I see lot of scrap/damaged vehicles lying on the road side, which are lying there from years.These should be cleared and sold to scrap dealers

Rakesh said...

I work in prestige tech park marathalli.
The tech park is located in the service road.
To come to tech park one has to either take U turn over the subway if coming from marathalli.
Or if coming from silk board take the exit before the subway.

My suggestion is for traffic coming from silk board.
Instead of taking the exit before the subway (which is very congested and also adds to traffic in junction above the subway), the traffic can be allowed to take the subway and a entry can be made from the outer ring road to the prestige tech park. With this entrance traffic can directly enter the tech park.
Considering that another tech park is going to open next to prestige tech park.
This will be a good option and does not cost anything to implement.

The same way traffic going to eco world and eco space from marathalli are stuck in service road exit before bellandur fly over. This also can be avoided if direct entry into tech parks can be given from outer ring road

Unknown said...

first of all expand the roads and increase the metro. please ban the cars, because only one person is traveling in the lot of ban the cars.automatically pollution will decrease and space will increase on the roads. and Please BAN eating the pan, because so many people eating the pan and spitting on the roads and anywhere.