Suggestion #11
FreeBird has left a new comment on your post "Suggestions":
Agreed, our infrastructure is not the best. Agreed, we have don't have a good public transport. But lets forget these for a while and try to look at why, exactly why, we have such a huge traffic problem? The reason is us! Yes, we "the citizen" are the real culprits.
So, what can be done about it? STRICT ENFORCEMENT. I know that the traffic police lacks man-power. So, this suggestion is to overcome that.
1. Create laws similar to other cities like Mumbai, where after 3 traffic offenses, the license is cancelled. And also create a simple process (like punching or ticking on the license) to mark a traffic offense.
2. Create a squad of 6-8 traffic police (you can choose a more appropriate number). The only job of this squad is to randomly choose a road/junction and enforce all the traffic rules VERY STRICTLY. Each day they would choose a totally different location.
The method that this squad adopts is also very important. The presence of this squad should not be obvious for the offenders. This is tricky. But you could choose to have one constable in the uniform and rest all in plain clothes.
If the above are done, I have full confidence that it would create enough fear in the offenders and we will surely see very good results and quickly too.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Naveen.
This seems to be a great suggestion. I second you on that, public will not improve unless they are fined.
This is surprisingly identical thinking. Yes this is the best solution in the present context.
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