Message From DCP, Traffic Police

On behalf of Bangalore City Traffic Police Wing I convey our sense ofhappiness on this new initiative.Bangalore traffic has evoked an intense sense of cynicism and despairin the public mind. It is not hard to see that the chaos andcongestion has occassioned a consistent abdication of responsiblitieson the part of most stakeholders in this city. As a police officer Iam acutely aware of the many slippages in our functioning as aregulatory agency. I also see this as the main cause for theoverwhelming sense of despair in the public mind. Introspection and aoverhaul of priorities can help reinvent police role and relevance inthis difficult context.A positive and strong network of interests in the public realm can bethe most crucial catalyst for changes in police functioning and alsousher a sense of hope in the larger public consciousness.This blog has been initiated with a sense of fresh enthusism forimproving Bangalore traffic. I feel it should install a firewallagainst the hypocritic blame peddling that characterises mostdiscussions on Bangalore traffic. A positive sense of participationand a vigorous assertion of stakes in the future course of trafficculture in bangalore can be built through this forum.I hope this blog will bring in a new sense of hope and encourage thepolice and all other civic agencies to respond and participate.

Madhukar Shetty
DCP Traffic East

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